Saint Mark's Church is at 1625 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA. 19103

215-735-1416 (church office) 


    i  Saint Mark's Church      


Listen to KYW 1060 A.M. Radio for traffic updates every ten minutes. 

Many streets in Philadelphia are one way. Even numbered streets east of the Sckuylkill River to Broad Street go North.  Odd numbered streets go South. Locust Street runs East-West and is one way Eastbound.

With a placard available at the usher's table at the back of the church, left side of the street parking is permitted on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. on Locust Street in front of the church.  On Sundays parking is permitted on Locust Street from Rittenhouse square to 15 Street.   Also parking on 17th Street from Walnut to Locust is permitted.  

Directions  from the Schuylkill Expressway I-76 East.  Follow the Expressway as if going towards the airport.  Get into the left lane and exit left off the expressway on exit 40, South Street Exit (left exit).  At the end of the ramp turn left onto South Street and proceed down South Street staying in the left lane until reaching 18th Street. (Near Graduate Hospital) Turn left onto 18th street and proceed up 18th street until reaching the 4th traffic light.  You are now on Rittenhouse Square.  The next available right after the traffic light is Locust Street.  Turn right onto Locust Street. Saint Mark's Church is one block.

Directions from points South i.e. Washington or Delaware or the Airport I 76 West. On I-95 going North you want to exit at exit #11,  I-76 West, near the airport.  Follow the signs for I 76 West and cross the Platt Bridge.  At the traffic light at the foot of the bridge, turn left and follow the road (next to the oil refineries) to the Schuylkill Expressway I-76 West.  Follow the expressway to Exit 40, South Street Exit (left exit)  At the end of the ramp turn right onto South Street and follow the directions above.

Directions from points North e.g. New York or North Jersey  

Exit the New Jersey Turnpike at Exit #4 onto Rt. 73.  Go  on Rt.73 North toward I-295. Enter I-295 going South.  Exit I-295 at the split between  Philadelphia and Delaware at exit 26 (about 5 exits after entering I-295) you want to head toward Philadelphia. The sign will say Interstate 67 West.  Head toward the Walt Whitman Bridge.  Cross the Walt Whitman Bridge and continue West on the Schuylkill Expressway and follow the directions from South Street in the above example.

From Saint Martin-in-the-Fields Head back on Willow Grove Ave. toward Germantown Ave. At the first intersection turn right onto Lincoln Drive. Go down the hill. When the street ends at Cresheim Valley Drive, make a right. Follow Cresheim Valley drive. At the first traffic light Cresheim Valley Drive changes into Emlen Street. Keep going straight till the end where it intersects with Lincoln Drive (another Lincoln Drive) At Lincoln Drive make a right. Follow Lincoln Drive.

2 options

a. The Schuylkill Expressway

At the end of Lincoln Drive stay in the Left Lane and head towards 76 East. Go across the bridge and get on the Expressway from the left lane.

Follow the expressway directions for Schuylkill Expressway I-76 East

b. Kelly Drive

At the end of Lincoln Drive stay in the right lane and follow signs to Kelly Drive. Kelly Drive brings you into the city behind the Museum of Art (you’ll go right past the steps that Rocky ran up.) At the end of the Drive go in front of the Art Museum (in front of those steps) and go round till you see the wide Blvd. with the building at the end of it that looks like a church or the Old Post Office Building in DC. Go down that street. It is called Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Proceed till you get to the Swan Fountain. Go around the fountain and head again toward the building with the clock tower. You should be counting the streets as you go round the square. You’ll see to your right  going round the square is 19th Street, then after that 18th street, the next is NOT 17th Street but Cherry Street. Seventeenth Street is after Cherry Street, but there is no sign there. So turn right immediately after the Windsor Hotel. Go South on 17th Street. Seven traffic lights will get you to Locust Street.

Parking Garages are available in many locations. None have a discount policy with the church.

The R runs hourly train service to and from Chestnut Hill on Sundays..

keep in mind that there are always alternative routes which could be used.  Map study is recommended.  Relying on a web directions, may not produce the same results.  These directions are the easiest for out of towners to find Saint Mark's and not get lost.