Campanae S. Marci


                                     ...each hung bell's

Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name

                                                           G. M. Hopkins

                                          As kingfishers catch fire



Calling afar our tow'r rings the story

Ancient yet ever new. Our octave song

Makes rubicund all the feasts of glory

Praising the Lord of music, pealing long

And wakes the people with the learned clerks, 

Noting the times and solemn hours. Ours to 

Arouse the weary earth, erase the marks

Errant tramping feet have made. We undo

Silence, death yielding to our fecund, long

Melodious, triumphant, tolling voice 

As at Baptism, or in our wedding song:

Rapturous changes, dissonant by choice.

Clear voiced Gabriel, God's strength, be near

Invade our lonely selves, wake us to hear.


                                       The Rev'd Thomas Patrick O'Malley, S.J.