Media Page
The Article from The Clapper article "Bells on Trial" Vol. 15 No. 3, Summer, 1988.
Father Alton's powerful sermon Laetare,
which was preached March 22, 1998. The week that
the vestry voted to restore the bells for change ringing.
The article Of Mushroom Clouds Quasi Modo and the Efforts of Mere Mortals from The Clapper Volume 26, Number 1 Winter 1999.
The Article from The Clapper Volume 26, Number 3 Summer 1999, Saint Mark's Bells, The Grit, The Grime and The Glory.
An Article, The Bells of
Saint Mark's, Philadelphia, by New York writer, Stephanie Cowell, as
published in The Clapper Volume 27, Number 1 Winter 2000 &
also published in an abridged version in The Living Church May 7,
The article by Mark Davis from the Philadelphia Inquirer on Monday June 14, 1999.
The story which aired on NPR's Morning Edition July 2, 1999. (need Real Audio player)
Saint Mark's Bells are featured in WHYY TV-12 original production of HOLY PHILADELPHIA featuring Bruce Butler, ringing master of the Philadelphia Guild of Change Ringers explaining change ringing. Available on Real Player.
Poems about Saint Mark's Bells
In Statu Quo Ante Bellum a poem which first appeared in Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch in February 1877 after the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas restricted the ringing of the bells by Saint Mark's Church. (some antidotal sources from the time state that the author is Sir Albert Sullivan of Gilbert and Sullivan fame, but there is no concrete proof of this.)
Campanae S. Marci, a sonnet about Saint Mark's Bells by the Reverend Thomas P. O'Malley was first read by the author at the Fundraising Dinner on October 22, 1999.